We have a great team! Two of our guys are Eagle Scouts and our company recently was certified as a veteran-owned small business by the SBA. Our work has taken us all across America, and around the world. We are excited to work with clients who are making a positive impact in our city, our state, and our country. We aren’t afraid to get dirty. We aren’t afraid of hard work. We are here to serve and have a rich history of serving others.
We provide in-kind work and are involved in serving throughout our community. Blackwell has held past positions with the local planning and zoning committee, Heart + Hand Outreach Ministries, and the Putnam County Technical Center. We currently serve on the board at Festivall (Charleston, WV), the Fellowship of Christian Athletes (FCA), Mountwest Community Community College (Advisory Committee for Design & Digital Communications), and volunteer weekly helping children with reading and math through the Bob Burdette Center (after school program).
Are you interested in getting connected? Give us a call!